Monday, October 1, 2012

My Baby's Signs

Even though I have done this a few times, five if you're counting, I never cease to be amazed when my baby signs.

My baby, who just turned one, has learned her seventh sign - 'bath'.
I usually try reward signs with an immediate response, so of course I let her play in the bath after she signed it this evening, but I'm wondering how many baths she is going to request tomorrow!  It's a good thing she knows, and can sign "all done"!

Here she is on her first birthday signing 'baby'.

To sign 'baby', you cradle your arms in front of you 
and gently rock them back and forth, as if you were rocking a baby.

She clasps her hands together and moves her clasped hands back and forth.  It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!  No, I'm not biased or anything. ;)

By the way, this is called a sign approximation. It is her version of the sign 'baby', and one I fully acknowledge as a sign.  I praise her for signing, but continue to sign it correctly myself.  Eventually, as she develops stronger muscle coordination, she will learn the correct way to sign baby.  Signing is kind of like learning to walk.  You start by crawling. Then you move to standing, and eventually to taking the first step.

Isn't it incredible what our babies can learn?!?!  They are so much smarter than we give them credit for!

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