Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Repetition is Key

We have this great DVD called "Winged Migration" with incredible footage of many different birds and ducks.  While watching that today, Elaina learned a new sign - bird.

To sign 'bird', you open close your pointer and thumb finger
as if you were pinching something between your fingers, mimicking a bird's beak.

It's something I never get tired of, watching her learn new signs and seeing her proud smile when she gets the sign and I acknowledge it.  The funny thing is that she saw the birds and signed 'dog'.  She calls the neighbor cats 'dog' as well, so I'm not surprised.  I guess an animal is an animal to a 14 month old. 

But, back to the sign for 'bird'; this sign requires pretty dexterous fingers, and Elaina's sign for 'bird' looks much like her brothers did when he was that age.

When Elaina signs, her bird's beak is more round than flat, her fingers forming an "o" rather than a beak. She looks like she is trying to pick up a cheerio. :)

Actually, Elaina's first tendency is still to sign 'milk' rather than bird, so I'll be keeping my eye out for more opportunities to sign 'bird', whether it be from pictures, books, or real life. The more she sees the correct sign, the quicker she'll catch on.
When signing with babies, repetition is key!

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