Friday, October 12, 2012

Learning ASL is Easy!

Teaching your baby to sign is really a very simple thing to do.  Yes, you are learning some American Sign Language, which is its own language, in the process.  No, it is not difficult.  After all, you are not becoming fluent in ASL (although kudos to you if you do), you are simply using key signs to augment your speech.

One of my class attendees recently marveled that American Sign Language signs "really make sense"! 

Most of the signs are iconic and mimic shape or movement, thereby making them easy to remember.

Let me demonstrate just how easy it is.
When I have class attendees with little exposure to ASL, we play a sign game. I hand out cards with a picture on each, telling the participants that they have to come up with a sign for each picture.  

The first one is piano.

What would your sign for piano be?
Would you move your fingers as if you were playing the piano? That is exactly correct!  That is the sign for piano.

How about car?
Are you imagining driving a car, with both hands on the steering wheel, steering?  That is exactly how you sign car.

See how easy that was?!? It is that simple to learn a handful of signs to start teaching your child!  Most of the signs are easy to learn and easy to remember, for both you and your child.

In fact, just last night, Elaina picked up on a sign without me showing it to her.
She has watched all of us wash our hands numerous times. She, of course, loves water. When I was walking by the sink, she started rubbing her hands together and reaching for the faucet. She figured that one out on her own! (Technically, the sign for 'wash hands' is made with closed fists).

Spend a few moments to learn a sign that is relevant to your child's life, implement it into your daily life, and you'll reap the benefits for months to come!

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